Friday, December 26, 2008

A Few Thoughts On New Year's Eve

Today is new year's eve, one of my favorite holidays. Hard to explain why but new year's is such an important day for me, even though it feels nothing like a holiday. For me, it is one of the only days that has some kind of meaning, though in a vague, impractical and nostalgic way. This is one of the only times that I would permit myself to use the expression "emotional roller-coaster" and I'm going to use it now. New year's is never about new beginnings or resolutions or endings. It is the summary of all the times treasured, misspent; all the emotional roller coasters and their quite aftermaths and disappearances. It's when you look back and look forward and feel for a moment the immensity of history and growth; progress and deterioration. It is the time when we decide to reinvent ourselves and wish for better things. The truly hard part is to look beyond phases and states in life and realize that life is forever continuous:even when tragedies strike, even when you finally experience the moment of absolute bliss, even when you think for certain that time is irrelevant. The truth is time is never forgetful and numbers that represent time are forever accurate and infinite. It is not moments of greatness that define who we are, it is not the difference in numbers that make any occasion special, it is the finite footsteps and fateful journeys, the series of decisions and consequences that leave impressions on the world. So in this sense, new year's is so insignificant that it's a wonder why people celebrate it. And this is exactly why I love new year's. It is the way we seriously and ridiculously mark a day on the calender as a day of hope and forgiveness. It is the day that we shout in unison that everything is possible, for no other reason than it is the new year's. I truly feel the optimism of human spirit on this day, however inexplicable or unrealistic, we decide to give ourselves second chances and believe in ourselves. somebody should explore with me someday perfect song for the new year's day

And lastly, I want to wish everyone a special new year's.


Anonymous said...

Aww. I wish you were hear. I miss you. I got a ton of super amazing stuff that you have to come over and see.

Caitlyn said...

awww poor thing! hope things get better soon :D

Caitlyn said...

wow! thats actaully beautiful and amazingly true! u really are a poet and its amazing!!! ur so deep! :D i love it!